Happy Birthday Kylie!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLIE!!! As of right now (09:32 am) Kylie is two years old!!

Unfortunately Mommy has to be at work right now (although Kylie is talking to her on the phone) I am fortunate enough to be able to work from home this morning so i can watch her until Tiffany gets off work, and then she will spend the rest of the day with Mommy. We are all very excited because in a few days we will be having visitors in town for Kylie’s Birthday party; Nana, Aunt Wendy, Uncle Sonny, Aunt Brenda, Alex and Shauna will all be coming out to visit. They should arrive in town sometime on Friday and will be staying until next Tuesday, so we will be spending lots of time with the family!

The below information is from Tiffany’s Baby Center email news letter. We are both think it is great that she is in the minority of children that knows her basic colors.

Happy birthday to your 2-year-old!

Many 2-year-olds — girls especially — are ready to start potty training. If your child can pull her pants up and down, follow simple instructions, stay dry for three or four hours (a sign that her bladder muscles are developed enough to hold urine), and dislikes being in a dirty diaper, bring out the potty seat. If she’s not ready, back off and try again in a month or two.

How your toddler’s growing:

Happy birthday! Just yesterday she was a baby, and now she’s 2. Your child spent the bulk of last year developing her motor skills, like walking, running, and grabbing. This year you’ll see a lot of changes in her thinking. About now she can form images in her mind, organize categories, and arrange things in order. Her memory is also improving, and a minority of children at this age will already know their basic colors. Some can count up to five or even to 10.

How your life is changing:

You might be able to have a two- or three-sentence conversation with your toddler. She’s learning new words, getting a handle on grammar, and getting better at describing her needs, wants, and ideas. As her sense of herself as a distinct person grows, she’ll talk about herself — what she’s doing, what she likes, and what she doesn’t like.