Today was a nice calm day spent over at Tiffany’s so I could spend time with Kylie. Her and I played all day, read her Hop on Pop book, and even watched some Choo-Choo Soul (which Kylie loves) on the Playhouse Disney website. When the ABC song comes she screams with excitement and runs over to the computer, and then she will dance along and laugh, it is the cutest thing ever. We ordered pizza for dinner and after we all ate I started Kylie a bath and Mommy was kind enough to finish it up, unfortunately being bent over the tub is one of those things that my back can’t take to long of since my injury. After bath time it was time to get ready for bed and I was able to read Kylie her bed time story, Goodnight Moon, and rocked her to sleep in my arms before I put her into her crib. Though I am very happy that I was able to spend the day with Kylie, I am sad that tonight will be the last time I get to tuck her into bed for at least another month. I am sure the time will go by fast though, and besides I still have tomorrow with her too.