First day at TLR

Today was my first day working at the TLR site in Eagan, and I think it went pretty well. It turns out that every morning I will have a conference call with the rest of the people involved in this process, that call is at 8:30am central time, so that is how my day will start from here on out. After that Rick showed me around some and explained what was going on, and then it was right to work. Mine and Rick’s main purpose for being out here is to rebuild the TSH infrastructure. Basically this means that as equipment is shipped to Eagan from other sites or new equipment is brought in, we are responsible for setting it up. This includes receiving the shipment, making sure all components are there, making sure racks are in place, that all cable has been run to the designated location (fiber, network, power), getting the system racked, powered, and up and running. The shipment could be anything from a Sun box to Cisco networking equipment. We are also responsible for receiving port assignments and making certain that the boxes are patched both on the server side and the port side within the structured cabling runs so the machines can have access to the network. In a addition we are also responsible for initial configuration of iLo and anything else they throw at us. We are also running cable traces and other stop-gap trouble shooting that arises. I expect to learn a lot on this new position and am really looking forward to having hands on access and experience to things that I have never done or seen before.