End of a visit

Today was Mom’s last day visiting us here in MI. As such today was a very easy going day. Mom packed up all her stuff during the late morning and early afternoon and just relaxed. After Tiffany came home from work we decided to go out for one last meal. So we called Chris and Tracey and we all decided to go to Red Robin because it was near the airport and they have pretty good hamburgers, which Mom enjoys. After we were all finished we stepped outside and Mom said her goodbyes to everyone and then Tiffany, Kylie, and i all drove her to the airport. When we got their i walked Mom inside and we found out that her US Air flight had been canceled and she was rebooked on a different flight with Northwest. So we drove around to the Northwest terminal and I again walked her inside. This flight was not scheduled to leave until 9:19 so she was in for about a 2 hour wait. I walked with her to the security check point and said my goodbyes there. Mom was one of the lucky ones to be chosen for additional security screening and so she went off to the side. I watched as they made her go through the metal detector that also blows little puffs of air at you to see if you are hiding anything and then continue on. I am not exactly sure what all went on in that process as I have not spoken with her about it. After this I went back home and as it turned out Mom’s flight was delayed but they were leaving tonight. She just called about 15 minutes ago to tell me they were boarding. She will call me and let me know when they land. It was nice to see Mom again, and I am especially glad that she was able to spend so much time with her grand daughters. Tiffany, thank you for making this possible.
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It is now 12:45 am and Mom just called to let me know that she made it back to NY safely, my brother is already there to pick her up (I spoke with him about 30 minutes ago) and he will take her home.