Wow, so I think there are a few things that I have not had the time to write about for Kylie recently and for that I apologize (Mom that is mainly directed at you :)). So here is what I am going to do, I am going to start with the most recent stuff and work my way back. Here we go…
Today Kylie had a doctor’s visit, which was originally scheduled for the second of the month but we somehow managed to miss it, and as expected everything is fine. She is now 26 inches in length (2 feet 2 inches tall) and weighs 18.04 pounds, and her head is 17 inches in circumference. So all in all she is happy and healthy, well she would have been happier if she didn’t have to keep getting shots when she went to the doctor, but they are necessary. On top of the clean bill of health the doctor said that she could start eating regular Cheerios, so we gave her some of those tonight and she seems to like them. Look for some pictures of her first time eating/playing with Cheerios when the next set of pictures goes up.
Ok, so going back in time now…. Kylie has become, over the last few weeks, very proficient at pulling herself up to a standing position. She can now accomplish this almost instantaneously if there is something for her to use. In addition she has now become rather adept at walking when she has something to hold on to. For instance, she will now pull herself up using her LeapStart® Learning Table and then walk around it to the side facing the love seat, slowly reach out to the love seat (moving further around the Learning Table to reach it better if need be) and grab a hold of it, then walk down the side of the love seat to where the couch is, crawl the short distance to the couch and pull herself back up, and then move along the couch to the coffee table and then walk around the coffee table. It is rather fun to watch her learn and grow like this; she is a rather smart child.
In addition to learning to pull her self up and walk around using the furniture, Kylie has discovered that she can stand up in her crib if she so desires. This is a little bit more difficult for her than other means of pulling herself up, as the crib does not have any ledges for her to use in pulling herself up. She has figured out how to grip the bars to use those however, and she must be comfortable with walking around her crib as well because the other night she was looking over (yes over) the top of her crib looking out her bedroom door. It was actually very cute, and I am not 100% sure, but I think I have pictures of that to put up in the next picture update as well.
Before she learned she could pull herself up to a standing position; Kylie learned how to sit up on her own from a lying position. She does this every now and then when it suits her, but for the most part she likes to stand more than sit. Sometimes when she is playing on the floor she will sit up to play with a different toy or to look and see where I am, but other than that she prefers to crawl to something and pull herself up to her feet.
I know I had mentioned in her six month old post that she was teething, and I am not certain if I have mentioned anything since. Well there is an update on that front as well. Kylie now has two teeth! Her two lower front teeth came through a little while ago and I have finally been able to see them, as she would not let me see them before. Actually she let me see them and used them to bite me all on the same day! She obviously did not bite me in order to hurt me or anything, but she did actually leave two little teeth marks in my finger. In addition to these two Tiffany says she can feel a third one starting to come through in the front as well. As usual I have not been able to feel it yet, but take her word on it.
Phew, that was a lot. I think that brings everything up to date. I really hope that in the future I can find the time to post, and remember to post, these things in a more timely fashion, but we all know how fast the speed of life is.