Well today Kylie had her first fall. “How can this be?” you are wondering considering she hasn’t even started to crawl yet, let alone walk. Well allow me to answer as it is really very simple…she fell off the couch. Yep, that’s right, she fell off the couch. “How did that happen” you ask? Good question, but I am not really certain I can answer that in complete certainty because I was not in the room when it happened, which of course is why it happened. See I had placed her in her boppy on the couch, as I have done many times before, and then went into the kitchen to prepare her bottle. It was during this time that I heard a little thump. My first thought was “Oh God, please don’t let that be what I think it was” and then I looked out of the kitchen and into the living room. Well low-and-behold there was my little girl laying on the floor on her back partly under the coffee table just kind of looking around. Well my heart jumped and I walked over to her, and went to pick her up and hold her, well I took one step and she saw me…and then proceeded to cry. So I picked her up and held her and made sure she was ok and then proceeded to finish making her a bottle. She is fine of course and this is only the first of many more falls to come. But I have now learned a valuable lesson, and that lesson is that she is now to the point where it is not safe to place her on the couch in her boppy without being right there, as she can roll and or fidget out and away from it. “We fall so we can learn to pick ourselves back up.”
[EDIT: 11-01-05]
It turns out that she does have a slight bump on her head and maybe a slight bruise but all in all she is no worse for wear and is doing just fine.