3 Months today

Kylie is 3 months old today! I know I have a ton of pictures I need to get off of the digital and into the gallery (sorry Mom), but it just seems like I don’t have the time lately, mainly because I try to catch up on sleep whenever I can.

Well let’s see what has happened in the last month… She has out grown her bassinet (and a number of clothes) as she is now weighing in at over 14 pounds and has moved to her crib in her own room. She handled the transition very well and we are very happy with that. In addition to this she has started to attempt to roll over, although she is not quit there yet.

We have decided to try and start to teach her a few words in American Sign Language as studies have shown that Babies who learn to sign not only learn to communicate faster non-verbally but also tend to learn to speak sooner as well. We have start off with a few words such as “Mommy”, “Daddy”, “Milk”, and “Change”. We chose these words because they are words that we can easily work into a normal conversation with her. The book says that babies will start to attempt to communicate using sign at around 5 to 6 months but that the sooner we can introduce them the better.

In addition to this Kylie has already been introduced to classical music through Baby Einstein‘s Baby Beethoven: Symphony of Fun and she really seems to enjoy it. I am hoping to get more of the Baby Einstein videos and recommend them highly.

Kylie continues to enjoy the pool and bath time and I have a feeling that, like her Daddy, she will be swimming before she is walking. Along the lines of locomotion, however, she has learned that while lying on her back she can stretch her legs out and push herself backwards along the floor, although she doesn’t do this often.

Princess has also finally come to terms with the fact that Kylie is here to stay, as she no longer runs away when Kylie is brought near her and will even allow Kylie to pet her. In fact the other day I was sitting with Kylie in my lap in my recliner and Princess jumped up and sat with us for a little while after nuzzling Kylie’s foot in way of greeting. This was a first for Princess mainly because the chair is much smaller than the couch and Princess was ok with Kylie being up there with her.