No Oil by 2050

MSN Money has an interesting article about the U.S.’s ability to stop using oil by 2050. The article goes on to explain that this could be possible if we just got “back on the efficiency-improvement path we were on when we responded to the first and second OPEC oil price shocks in 1973 and 1979.” The first, and largest, step would be to “make cars, trucks, houses and buildings more energy efficient.”

Amory Lovins, author of “Winning the Oil End Game” states that we could “apply energy efficiency to end our dependence on oil.”

Not just foreign oil, mind you, all oil. In the process, we can revolutionize (and save) our automobile industry, create a million jobs, strengthen our economy, end the flow of oil money that funds terrorism and win enduring national security.

In “Winning the Oil Endgame,” Lovins shows us the path to reduce our oil consumption.

How much? How fast? Think about these figures:

* We could reduce the amount we import from the Persian Gulf by 2015.
* We could use less oil by 2025 than we used in 1970.
* We could import no oil at all by 2040.
* We could use no oil at all by 2050.

A lot of the information supporting this theory, including a copy of the book, can be obtained from

This all sounds like a great idea, but something tells me it would never actually happen due to the large oil companies putting a fit, and then it would become politics. We all know the oil companies spend money on lobbying for Presidents who support their agenda, and at least one of our recent Presidents has ties to oil….