The recent passing of Pope John Paul II will be a memory that stays with me for the rest of my life. As I stated in an earlier post, John Paul II was the Pope for the last 26 years, which just so happens to encompass my entire life. He did great things for the world and will forever be known for his good deeds, and his loss is felt by many people of all different religions the world over.
As such I am not really sure how I feel about this article that talks about the release of a comic book in Columbia in which “the pope dies and is reborn with superpowers beyond the infallibility Catholic doctrine gave him on Earth.” The comic book’s artist (Rodolfo Leon)
said he was saddened by the death Saturday of John Paul II, whom he admired. The artist worried some people might be offended by such a revered figure’s becoming a comic book hero, but said the reception so far has been good.
The comic book has apparently been in the works for about a year now and “apart from predominantly Catholic Colombia, the book will be sold in Poland, and publishers in Mexico, Canada and the United States have expressed interest.”
The comic book “shows the late Polish pontiff meeting comic book legends such as Batman and Superman to learn how to use superpowers to battle Satan” and
Like any self-respecting superhero, the Incredible Popeman has a battery of special equipment. Along with his yellow cape and green chastity pants, the muscular super-pontiff wields a faith staff with a cross on top and carries holy water and communion wine.
Well…I guess it could be interesting.