I just implemented LifeStream, an application plug in that will aggregate my online activities and display them on the blog. This is based on my user name and account information for various online sites that I use, such as Digg. For a while now I have been looking for a way to gather my information in one central place and now I can (as soon as I get everything fed into the plug in that is). As of now I am linked into my Delicious, Digg, YouTube, Flickr, and Hulu accounts. Should I ever actually get an Xbox 360 I can also link into my Xbox Live account. I am also working on linking in with my Google Reader account, but am currently experiencing an issue which I hope to resolve soon. What this allows is for me to have one location where I can see what I have done each day, if that is add a bookmark to Delicious or like and article on Digg, I can see it here for later use, and share my findings and viewings with others, if anyone else is interested of course. As of now the plug in will create a daily post with all my activity, this may change in the future.